Server Rules

Miscellaneous Rules:
Vehicles are drive at your own risk.
Each group can own up to 3 vehicles on all servers.
Alternate accounts are not allowed.
Accusations of staff abuse will not be tolerated in-game or in Discord chat.
No meta gaming.
Cheaters and those associated with cheaters will be banned.
Duping, exploiting, or game-breaking actions for an advantage will result in a ban.
Combat logging is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban:
10-minute cooldown after PvP engagement.
Any shot fired resets the timer.
If you disconnect during PvP, you must log back in.
Crash logs are monitored.
If you apply for staff in 5 minutes or less, don’t bother. Make a ticket instead.
Game-breaking filters (like potato filters) are bannable.
Group Rules:
Cherno & Livonia: 8-man groups.
Sakhal: 5-man groups.
Group switching to raid is NOT allowed (switching timer enforced).
No alliances for raiding, looting, or PvP avoidance—bannable offense.
Trading items with other groups is allowed.
Inside raiding (insiding) is NOT allowed.
Base Building Rules:
4x4x3 base size limit (free standing) NO perimeter walls.
4x4x1 base size limit (on vanilla buildings, including any apartments, castles) NO perimeter walls.
One base per group.
25 code-locked doors max (including hatches and gates).
40 storage max per group, 30 can be code-locked (exceeding this will result in auto-deletion).
You are NOT allowed to build in police stations/military areas or even 1000m from one.
No blocking entrances with vehicles, items, or tents.
No building traps that force choke points using ladders, vaulting, or animations.
No skybases or floating walkways:
Floors extending beyond two kits require structural support.
No building over or blocking roads (bridge bases are allowed).
No crawl spaces or hidden rooms behind wallpaper.
Peeks are allowed, but raiders must have a way to see defenders.
Bases must have at least one raidable entrance.
It is your responsibility to secure your base.
No gate/door stacking: Doors/gates must be at least half a floor apart.
Abandoned bases (inactive for 2+ weeks) can be taken over with a ticket request.
Raiding Rules:
Raiding is allowed 24/7.
Recording all raids is REQUIRED:
If a ticket is opened, no clip = no play.
Logs must match your story.
No softsiding on BBP, but softsiding on vanilla builds is allowed.
Boosting into bases:
Only standing on a friend’s head or a vehicle is allowed.
No tents, fireplaces, or other items for boosting.
Base camping limit: 2 hours per 24 hours.
No logging out with C4, loot keys, or keycards—they will drop.
No griefing:
No despawning items, dismantling fences/gates, or destroying vehicles/bases unnecessarily.
No logging out inside a base while raiding or being raided.
No animation glitches to enter bases.
No rebuilding during an active raid:
Raided players must wait 30 minutes after the raid ends before logging out or rebuilding.
No ally raiding:
Only your group can raid a base.
No adding players mid-raid.
Do not raid the same base twice within 24 hours.
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